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Friday, 24 August 2018

Hickory horned devil catterpilar

The hickory horned devil (Citheronia regalis) is the larvae of the Regal or Royal Walnut Moth. It is noted for the presence of spikes from head to abdomen. It is however bulky and found mostly in the rainy season. This photo was taken in Cameroon in the grassland area of Bamenda in August 2018. The hickory horned devil is harmless. The species is rare in Cameroon and should not be killed if seen. 

Hickory horned devil mostly feeds on the Walnut (Juglans nigra)

These species of caterpillars difer from most other caterpillars that spin a cocoon. Instead, they burrow down into the ground to transform into an adult moth.
They are classified below:
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Atelocerata
Class: Hexapoda(including Insecta)
Infraclass: Neoptera
Subclass: Pterygota
Order: Lepidoptera
Superfamily: Bombycoidea
Family: Saturniidae
Subfamily: Ceratocampinae
Genus: Citheronia
Species: Citheronia regalis
 Pictures taken by Ngala Maimomaimo's blog, horned devil catterpilarcaterpillar in cameroonj

Tuesday, 21 August 2018


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